2019 Creative Highlights Review

2020 marks a brand new decade—and also the 5-year anniversary for Frampton Co. What a thrilling ride it’s been! After several years of setting the foundation, our studio vision truly came to life in 2019. We opened doors to new ventures and stretched the boundaries for how we express ourselves creatively and the many ways in which we serve our clientele and wide-ranging audience beyond.

The year kicked off with an inspirational trip to Mexico City, the start of construction on new projects, and hashing out the concept for our gallery out East, Exhibition the Barn. Throughout the Spring we quietly planned the vibrant, all-encompassing installation. Summer brought the stunning reveal, a major feature article, and a fabulous opening in Bridgehampton. We created unique content on social media and reached 10k on Instagram (thank you all!) and launched our Exhibition Instagram to highlight our shows and programming.

After vetting a whopping 16 potential spaces, we packed up our design office of 12 years to move into a massive Penthouse studio. As our team and projects grew the new space was a must. But the gorgeous private terrace is quite a perk! We unboxed and resettled into studio life, diving right back in to complete projects from Florida to the Hamptons. We closed 2019 with a bang, creating our second gallery site Exhibition Penthouse. The opening bash had guests dressed to the nines in “festive noir” with a mariachi performance and live watercolor illustrator. As one does!

We’ve lined up an exciting 2020, starting with our Salon Series, and then Elena heads to art fairs in Mexico City . Stay tuned for her Instagram “coverage” for her art picks. For more info and to RSVP for our Salon Series event featuring Fernando Mastrangelo and Nick Missel, click here. To schedule a viewing at Exhibition Penthouse, please email exhibition@framptonco.com; and to stay in the know about future events, follow us on Instagram and subscribe to our newsletter!


Woman Sitting on Green Chair Interview
The Barn | Summer ’19 | The Frampton's Party | People Sitting on a Black and White Striped Oval Bench

NEW YORK, NY - NOVEMBER 21: Atmosphere at Frampton Co Exhibition Penthouse Opening, Hosted By Elena Frampton at Frampton Co on November 21, 2019 in New York. (Photo by Gonzalo Marroquin/PMC) *** Local Caption *** Atmosphere

Exhibition The Barn | Summer ’19 | A BIrd's-Eye View Of Elena Frampton's Party

NEW YORK, NY - NOVEMBER 21: Atmosphere attends Frampton Co Exhibition Penthouse Opening, Hosted By Elena Frampton at Frampton Co on November 21, 2019 in New York. (Photo by Gonzalo Marroquin/PMC) *** Local Caption *** Atmosphere

New York

31 Union Square West #15E
New York, NY 10003


141 Maple Lane
Bridgehampton, NY 11932


212 448 1091